The Sound Of Music at Benedum Center Pittsburgh

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania



Have you ordered your tickets to see the hottest Broadway musical coming to town this summer? If you haven’t, then you need to order early while supplies last. Because you don’t want to miss out on seeing The Sound Of Music live at Benedum Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Thursday 13th July 2023. This thirlling experience is directed by one of the visionary minds of the medium and they want to enrich your life with this unforgettable show. Some of Broadway’s favorite performers have come together to deliver a story that will leave you amazed and dazzled especially when you hear the awards-worthy leading stars for what may be the best performance of their careers. And let’s not forget that The Sound Of Music features an unforgettable musical score written by inspired and visionary songwriters.And all of this while the costume design shines with vibrant colors unmatched visuals, and an attention to detail that’s favorite! It’s the kind of Broadway experience that comes to town only once in a season. If you love Musicals then you can’t afford to miss out! Be sure you order early while tickets are still ready to order! Tap the buy tickets link below so you can order your tickets to see The Sound Of Music live at Benedum Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this coming Thursday 13th July 2023!

The Sound Of Music at Benedum Center

There is some big news to announce in the theatre world! Word on the street is, The Sound Of Music is back in town for summer, 2023! We are overwhelmingly excited with this information. The production critics are calling the greatest of this year! Now is the time to see The Sound Of Music, in the flesh, so book on for Thursday 13th July 2023, book the day off of work so you are able to attend this memorable event, it'll be nothing short of an extravaganza! Sounds pretty exciting right? Well Thursday 13th July 2023 is the big day, and the production is going to be hosted by Benedum Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! It's said to be the most unsurpassed venue in the state, so don't miss your chance to book!. To secure a set of tickets this moment, you simply need to click the link on this page right now! You wont regret it!

The Sound Of Music at Benedum Center



The Sound Of Music

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts

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The Sound Of Music

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



The Sound Of Music

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



The Sound Of Music

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



The Sound Of Music

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



The Sound Of Music

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



The Sound Of Music

Benedum Center Pittsburgh

About the Venue

benedum center for the performing arts

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts

237 7th Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222, United States