Into The Woods at Benedum Center Pittsburgh

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania



The Curtains Are Rising for another second to none Broadway musical coming to you live this summer. And if you act now you can have the best seats in the house for this sensational theatrical experience. So set the clock for Tuesday 27th June 2023 so you can join hundreds in catching Into The Woods live at Benedum Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This leading show brings some of the most awe-inspiring actors taking on some of the most challenging roles of their careers. As they dance across the stage, you’ll see a captivating story unfold that you will never forget. But what Broadway performance is complete without enchanting music to keep you humming along throughout. And Into The Woods has a full musical score composed by some of the best songwriters in the industry. Even now, fans are calling Into The Woods a contender for best score. But that’s not all! Because Into The Woods at Benedum Center also features vibrant costume design by some of the visionary minds in creative design. It’s a full package of the best parts of Broadway all wrapped up into a Tuesday night of entertainment. Tickets are still ready to order today but you have to order early. Click the buy tickets link below so you can order your tickets to experience Into The Woods live at Benedum Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this coming Tuesday 27th June 2023!

Into The Woods at Benedum Center

It's addicting seeing an exciting BROADWAY show, but if there is a famous show like Into The Woods back on stages again, for summer, 2023, you cannot help but become glued to the storyline! Into The Woods is adored by so many, one to get stuck into and fun for the whole family! We bet you can picture yourself and the kids one Tuesday night in June….singing along with those catch singalongs, what a lifting experience! Into The Woods brilliantly comes to Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh on Tuesday 27th June 2023 and be held at the outstanding Benedum Center! Theatres aren't very similar to Benedum Center, it's a special place, there is some pretty beautiful interiors, spectacular atmosphere, there is also parking galore with very close links to transport, all in all a well worth it place to visit! For tickets for yourself and the kids….it can be done from this page. Simply click the 'get tickets' icon and book away!

Into The Woods at Benedum Center



Into The Woods

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts

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Into The Woods

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



Into The Woods

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



Into The Woods

Benedum Center Pittsburgh



Into The Woods

Benedum Center Pittsburgh

About the Venue

benedum center for the performing arts

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts

237 7th Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222, United States